Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hissing Cockroaches Poem

Hissing Cockroaches
Heavier than a penny
                      only eight ounces

Shorter than a teaspoon
                     only 6 inches

All hiss and no sting!
                     only to scare their predators

Stand on their toes
                     only to show they are in charge

Largest species of cockroach
                    only an insect

Males compete to survive
                    only the largest and loudest can win

They are herbivores
                   only eats plants

Recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem
                   only helpful

Live in the rain forest
                   only a few live in Mrs. William's room

Assignment for Thursday, April 23rd

Animal Adaptations

Read through all of the steps, first!

  1. Go to this website about animals or try this link.
  2. Pick one of these habitats:
3.  Pick an animal that lives in that habitat.  

4.  Research the animal and learn all about how it survives in its habitat.

5.  Open a Google Doc and create a document about your animal.  Include pictures, facts, and information about how they survive in their habitat.
6. Share your google doc with Mrs. Nabors

7.  Title a blog Animal Adaptation Poem

8. Write a free verse fact poem about your animal with a picture.

9. Blog about your reading and slices of life!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Guest Blogger!!!!

Today is Miss Edward's last day!  I asked her to do a guest blog for all of you!

So, her blog is here!

Image result for blog
Good morning guys,

      I'm very sad that it's my last day. I have enjoyed teaching you guys and learning alongside you. you have been teachers to me as well as students.

     Today we're going to continue on with poems since it is poetry month. I would like to see you challenge yourself with more than just acrostic and shape poems. 

1. Go to this teachers website again to look at different types of poetry. Choose one to write.

2. Comment on 3 classmates blogs.

3. Write a slice of life.

Miss Edwards!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Blackout Poem - Victory at San Jacinto

Victory at San Jacinto

Santa Anna 
                        m a r c h e d   e a s t
Afternoon of April

Mexican army rested
near the San Jacinto River

Colonel Sam Houston
 S  U  R  P  R  I  S  E

"Remember the Alamo!'

"Remember Goliad!"

lasted 18 minutes

 Santa Anna

Texas Revolution  

Sam Houston
war hero

Santa Anna
signed treaty

turning point

Texas won!!!

Assignment April 10

Good Morning!

Since April is poetry month, I want to continue to push you as a writer of poetry.  Therefore, you are going to make a blackout poem.

Steps to making a blackout poem:

  • 1.) Find a page in your current book that you absolutely love.  
  • 2.) Take your book to Mrs. Nabors to make a copy of that page.

  • 3.) Circle/Box the MOST important words or phrases on that page.

  • 4.) Blackout all of the other words.  Your circled words should stand out!
  • 5.) Start a new blog post.  The name of your post will be Blackout poem.  
  • 6.) You will type the words that you have left into a free verse poem!
My poem is here if you want to read it!

I can not wait to read what your poems!!!

When you finish your poem, comment on 3 other blogs.  Be sure to use kind and respectful words!

When you finish your poem, you may write other poems to post.  I saw many of you did not finish last week's assignment.  You may click here to go back to that assignment post.

Enjoy your poetry writing time this morning!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Assignment April 3rd - National Poetry Month

Good Morning!

I miss being there with you!

I am so proud of each of you!  You have had a busy week, and I am thankful that each of you are in my class!  You are awesome!!

1.  Click here to enter your 10 words or phrases that describe the STAAR test.  Put a comma between each word or phrase.
                                (You did these on Wednesday in your journal!)

2.  April is National Poetry Month!!  Did you know that?  So in order to celebrate, we are going to write poetry this month.  Today,  you will go visit this teacher's website, again.  You need to pick 3 different styles of poems.  Write them first on a piece of paper, and then blog each one!


These poems are called cinquains.  Are they free verse or rhyming?  Click here to see the pattern of how to write a cinquain.  Try one of your own.  You can use to help you come up with a synonym.

3. After you have posted your poems, click on our class website and open four different classmates' blogs and comment on their poetry posts.  Remember to be respectful with your words!

4.  Now, you may free blog and blog about your reading!

I hope you have a super, awesome day!  Tell our reading buddies and Mrs. McPherson thank you for the poster (outside our door in the hall).  Be kind to each other and VERY respectful to Miss Edwards!  I will see you on Monday!