Friday, October 23, 2015

Slice of Life October 23rd

    "I have been waiting for this day all year," I exclaimed.  They sat in their seat with their focused eyes following me around the room.  I couldn't wait to unveil this amazing journey we were about to embark on as a class.  I have seen how life changing this process can be.  I could feel their nervous excitement as I shared my experience with SOL.
     The light soared and brought the projected image to life!  The large orange slice of life logo became part of my our environment.  "Today, you will write your first Slice of Life Blog,"I shared with my class.  "You have learned how to write a personal narrative, and now, you will get a chance to share your amazing life with our readers."  The students' mouths fell open and their eyes bulged.  So, I continued,  "I have created posters, and I am sending them to our parents so they can share your words with others." "WHAT!?!?" they exclaimed.  "Yes, the world will know what amazing authors you are!!" I joyously sang out!  "I am so excited!"  They stared at me like I had a bug crawling out of my nose.   I could tell each of them had a million questions in their mind, but all that arose was a sigh that could be heard all the way to the moon.

This is going to be fantastic!

Assignment, October 23, 2015

Good Morning!

I am thrilled to share Slice of Life with you!

Blog #1 - Title:  Slice of Life Story October 23rd

Once you finish your slice of life post, you may post on other classmate's blogs.  This is how I want you to post on your friend's blogs!

I can NOT wait to read your posts!  You are all fabulous authors and I know they will be amazing!

Have fun sharing your slice of life!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Assignment: October 16th

Good Morning!

1.) Blog number 1 will be titled: Curiosity Reflection:  Answer one of the following:
  • After discussing the posters in the hallway, write your favorite quote, what that quote means to you and why you chose it as your favorite.

2.) Blog number 2 will be title Curious About Reading
Write about a book that you have read this year.  Answer one of these questions in your description.
  • Did it make you want to read more books by that author?  
  • During your reading were you curious about what was going to happen next?
  • Do you still have questions in your mind that you wonder about?

Happy Blogging!  
I can not wait to read your posts!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2nd Assignment

Happy October!!

1.)   Write a new blog post that has your  October Acrostic in it.  You will need to press the enter key to take you down to the next line.  Title this post:  October Acrostic   After you have typed your poem, you may add clip art.

2.) Blog number 2 will be titled: Imagination Reflection:  Answer one of the following:

  • In what ways are you creative?
  • Do you spend time with other creative people?
  • Do you play, laugh, and use humor to enhance experiences?
  • Do you express your own creative talents?  Do you paint, cook, sew, write, draw...?

3.)  You have read some very imaginative books this six weeks.  Write your third blog post describing your favorite book from the 1st six weeks.  Was the setting amazing?  Did the character react in ways that you could understand? Were you able to imagine being a part of the story?  

Remember, all of your posts should be written with complete sentences, capital letters, and punctuation.  I can not wait to read your words and share them with the other teachers!!

Happy Blogging!