Friday, February 26, 2016

My slice of life from yesterday...

I slowly rounded the corner to walk into my grandmother's room.  Quietly laying there was the strongest woman I have ever met.  I put my purse in the chair and started to walk toward her.  

"Meme, it's Mandy." I whispered.  "I am here."  Her eyes didn't open, but her expression softened.  I could tell she knew I was in the room.  As I got closer, I realized that she was just a shell of the woman who had helped shape me into the lady that I have grown up to be.  Tears filled my eyes as I leaned closer to have a conversation that only she would hear.  "I love you so much, Meme.  Thank you for always being there.  Thank you for all you have done for all of us."  

Thank you for waiting for me, I thought.  

She never opened her eyes, but I could tell she knew that it was me.  I talked to her for hours.  I told her about what my students were learning and how precious they had been when I needed to check on her.  I told her about my sister and brother and their families.  She already knew many of the stories I told her, but I knew she needed to hear my voice.

Sitting next to her was one of the sweetest memories of my life. She will always be a part of me!

Here is my Meme:

Assignment, Friday, Feburary 26th

Good Morning!

I miss you so much!  I hope you beat our goal of reading more than 1 hour and 3 seconds!

Today, I want you to write AT LEAST two blogs. 

1.) Courage
Write about a time you or someone you know was courageous!!

2.) Slice of Life
Write about a small moment that happened to you this week!  Mine will be about sitting with my grandmother yesterday.

Be good!  

I can't wait to read your posts!!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Assignment, February 5th

Happy Wear Red Day for Heart Health!!

1.) The first blog you need to complete is the poetry blog.  You have written a couple different poems this week during the morning block.  Share at least one of your favorites (and yes, at least means you can share more than one).

around the room
should be reading
the room is alive


2.) Slice of Life

       Write about a time you lost something.

Do your very best!  I would suggest getting a piece of white paper and making a flow map before you write.  Like this!

As usual, I am looking forward to reading your blogs!  You all amaze me EVERY day!

Happy Blogging!!!