Today we have three blogs to complete
1.) Our Turkey Simile poem
Title should be the name of your Turkey
Tim the Turkey is…
A reader like my fourth grade students
As serious as Mrs. Nabors about homework
Interested in many different things like a librarian
As quiet as a mouse hiding from his predator
By Mrs. Nabors
2.) Title: November Acrostic
Writers, today you will use your writing notebook to write an November Acrostic. You may use the words: Turkey, Thanksgiving, November,or another one if you think of a great one that is about November. Mrs. Nabors has November word lists on the back counter. However, don't use a word if you don't know the meaning.
Typing hints:
Typing hints:
- You will need to press the enter key to take you down to the next line.
- After you have typed your poem, you may add clip art. Don't forget to give credit at the bottom of the post to the website where you got your pictures.
3.) Free Write
You may blog about anything that you would like to share! It can be a post about your reading life, a slice of your life, etc.
Bloggers, I love reading your words!