Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday, September 28th

Good Morning Bloggers!

Today, we have three blogs to complete!

1.)  Writers, you have started writing about small moments that are important to you.  

  • Pick one of the small moments from your writing notebook.
  • Start a new post and publish your small moment on your blog 
Title the Blog: Small Moments

2.  Get a pair of headphones from the purple bins in the maker space.  Watch this video about an idea:

Describe a time when you used something ordinary to make something extraordinary.  

Some ideas to think about:

  • Describe a time you imagined yourself inside a story.
  • Did a crayon create something brilliant?
  • Did some trash become an amazing creation?
  • How did your imagination help you see the extraordinary?

Title of the blog should be: Imagination Part 3

3. The third post that you will publish is a summary of what you have read during this week.  You need to tell the title, the author, and a little about the book.  After you have typed, you can look for a picture of the cover.  

Title of the blog should be: My Reading Life

I love reading your words!  You are amazing!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday, September 21st Assignment

1.  Finish your blog about the region of Texas:
Blog #1 - Moving to a new Texas Region

Watch this to review the regions:

Pretend you are moving to a city in another region of Texas. Write a post for your blog explaining how your chosen city compares to Denton. Discuss the things you will miss, new things you will enjoy, as well as details about how the towns and regions are alike and different. You can add images such as sketches, photos or maps to your post if you would like.

Be sure to include information on 4 of the topics listed below:

  • landforms
  • climate
  • natural resources
  • goods and services
  • population
  • economics
  • recreation
  • vegetation
Image result for freedom week

2.  This week we have Celebrated our Freedom.  Your second blog will be your journal writing that answers this question.

How does the Constitution continue to have an impact on Americans today?

Before you answer that question, you should finish the videos on Discovery Education.

Title of the blog:  Celebrate Freedom

3.  Get a pair of headphones from the purple bins in the maker space.  Watch this video about an imaginative girl:

In today's blog, I want you to answer one of the following questions about your imagination:

In what ways are you creative?

How do you express your own creative talents? (do you paint, cook, sew, draw,...)

How do you pay attention to small ideas that might someday become big?

Title of the blog should be: Imagination Part 2

4.) If you have time, you can do a fourth post that is a free post.  It could be a list, a poem, a story, etc.  Anything that you would love to share with your readers!

Title of the blog should be whatever you would like for it to be!  Have fun with it!

You are doing an amazing job adding descriptive words to your personal stories!  I hope you use some of those same strategies with your blogs!

I can't wait to read what you write!!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Assignment, September 14th

Blog #1 - Moving to a new Texas Region

Watch this to review the regions:

Pretend you are moving to a city in another region of Texas. Write a post for your blog explaining how your chosen city compares to Denton. Discuss the things you will miss, new things you will enjoy, as well as details about how the towns and regions are alike and different. You can add images such as sketches, photos or maps to your post if you would like.

Be sure to include information on 4 of the topics listed below:

  • landforms
  • climate
  • natural resources
  • goods and services
  • population
  • economics
  • recreation
  • vegetation

Blog #2 My Reading Life

Write about a book you have read this week.
pick one of the following:
  • You may share a summary of the book, 
  • Pick one fact or question and write long about it
  •  Tell about a character that you loved in the book

Blog #3 Free Write

You may write about anything you would like to share.  You have done some free writing in your journal this week.  So, if you would like to use one of those pieces, you may type it in as your Free Write Blog.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Changing Regions of Texas

Image result for the coastal plains of texas

If I was going to move to a different region of Texas, I would move to the Coastal Plains.  Mr. Nabors and I love to visit Galveston, and I would love to have a house there to go and stay for the summer.  So, Galveston would be my chosen city.  

The coastal plains climate is hot and muggy in the summer and mild in the winter.   It gets about fifty inches of rain a year.  It is the wettest of the regions.  The coastal plains can be divided into five subregions:   the Piney Woods, the Post Oak Belt, the Blackland Praire, the Gulf Coastal Plain, and the South Texas Plains. 
Image result for bluebonnet


Prairie land covers the majority of the Gulf Coastal Plains.  There are also wildflowers, like the bluebonnet, our state flower.  It is a perfect location for cattle because of the short grass plains.  

There are a variety of landforms in The Gulf Coastal Plains region. This region is best known for the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf Coast and the islands in the gulf make up most of the Gulf Coastal Plains. Galveston is one of the islands that are in the Gulf of Mexico and part of the Gulf Coastal Plains.  That is why I would love to live on this island.  


In the Gulf Coastal Plains region, there are three main industries.  These are oil, fishing, and ranching. The short grass of the prairie along the gulf coast makes it perfect for cattle grazing. The Gulf of Mexico is full of fish. This makes fishing a very common job and pastime. The Gulf Coastal Plains region is rich with oil, so people can also get a job drilling for it.  Another major part of this region is tourism.  People travel from all over the state and other states to vist this region and spend their money.  


A variety of birds like the spoonbill, alligators, sea life like sea turtles, mice, armadillos, raccoons, and many other animals call the Gulf Coastal Plains.  

The lightning whelk is the official state shell and is only found on the Gulf Coast. A whelk is a large sea snail or gastropod, that has a heavy shell. An interesting fact is that Whelks are carnivores, or meat eaters because they eat clams, scallops, and oysters. The lightning whelk gets its name from the colored lines on its shell that look like “lightning lines.” Most spiral shells open to the right, but the lightning whelk is one of the few shells that open on the left. Lightning whelks were very important to the Native Americans that lived in that region. They made tools from the heavy shells.

Changing Regions:

I would move to the Gulf Coastal plains and live in Galveston if I was changing regions of Texas.  Galveston is a wonderful place where I can have seafood, enjoy the beach, see a variety of wildlife, and experience a different part of Texas.