Friday, September 25, 2015

Imagination Reflection

I use my imagination to help me look at the world in a different way.  I hope to find ways to capture people, places, and ideas from new and unique perspectives.  I strive to use my imagination every day in our classroom.  Students deserve role models and new ideas to push them to be successful.

Using my imagination makes me feel special and unique.  I love thinking and dreaming.  Like most little girls, I dreamed of the fairy tales for my life.  Those dreams haven't ended.  I feel strong and creative when I use my imagination.  I absolutely LOVE 


  1. i love your post thank you for teaching as you are the best teacher.

  2. i love your comment and you are the best teacher i had

  3. ya nice job i saw lots of detas i loved it

  4. you are i great techer

  5. i see that you worked hard on your writing
