Good Morning!!
Be sure to read the entire assignment before you begin writing your blog.
Today, you are going to blog a friendly letter to the readers of your blog. Make sure you have your heading (date only) in the middle of the blog post and your greeting (Dear Reader) is at the left margin.
The body of your letter should tell your reader all that you hope they learn about you after reading your blog. It could also thank them for reading your blog.
Don't forget your closing and signature (first name only).
I have invited other teachers to come read your blog today! So, be sure you are doing your very best!
After you have finished your friendly letter, go visit other classmates and comment on their letters.
I will have a prize for anyone who can comment on every blog that was written today. That means you have to comment on every classmate's letter and mine!!
Then, you may do some free blogging.
- a slice of life
- a poem about May
- a book review
- an article about an upcoming event or a current event
There are tons of things that you can blog about!
finished blogging commenting on others